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Winner of the American Christian Fiction Writer's Carol Award for Dauntless!!!


I think all of my books offer great subjects for conversation. Dance from Deep Within focuses on culture and religion, but also offers opportunities to discuss freedom, truth, inner healing, and intimacy with Christ. Love in Three-Quarter Time covers similar issues as well as historical topics concerning the foundation of America. My medieval novel, Dance of the Dandelion, also looks at inner healing and intimacy with Christ, but stands out with its in-depth examination of love in its many forms. Discussion questions for Dance from Deep Within and Dance of the Dandelion are found in the back of the books. For lots of fun extra information about my first three books, simply click on the title in the link cloud in the side bar to the right. For more about Dauntless, Chivalrous, Courageous and the whole Valiant Hearts Series, check out my new Valiant Hearts blog here.

Also, visit my pinterest pages for lots of great pictures that inspired these books.
Dance from Deep Within on Pinterest
Love in Three-Quarter Time on Pinterest
Dance of the Dandelion on Pinterest

Below you'll find discussion questions for Love in Three-Quarter Time.

Blessings and have fun!


Discussion Questions for Love in Three-Quarter Time

1.       In the prologue of the book we see a very different Constance than the girl found in chapter one. Compare and contrast the two versions of Constance. Which version do you like better and why?
2.       Have you ever repressed part of your true nature? If so why? What was the result?
3.       Have you ever felt like God was looking over your shoulder waiting to punish you? If you could send Constance a message at this point of the book, what would you want to say to her?
4.       How do you feel when you think back on the days of slavery in our country? How do you think you would have responded if you lived in those days?
5.       Do you like to dance? Why or why not? What is your favorite style of dance?  Would you like to learn it?
6.       What do you think of Robbie’s hesitation to ask God for help? What issues hinder your prayer life?
7.       Robbie’s hesitation to ask God for help was probably more typical in his generation than today due to their Deist philosophy. What beliefs of today’s society might cloud our theological beliefs?
8.       What was your first reaction to Lorimer? Did your opinions change as you got to know him better?
9.       Compare and contrast the character of Patience with the character of Constance.
12.    Of the three men in the story, Robbie, Lorimer, and Franklin, who appeals to you the most personally? Why?
13.   Who do you see as the best match for Constance?  Why?
14.   Do you study the Bible as Constance attempted to in the book? What methods work best for you? What struggles do you face?
15.    Discuss the symbols of heat and fire in the book. What change occurred in Constance at the bonfire? How did Robbie feel as he stared into the fire at Monticello? Is “heat” needed in a relationship?
16.   Consider the subject of passion. How do you feel about passion? What were your thoughts before reading this book? Did they change at all while reading?
17.   How do you best hear from God? Did you learn anything about hearing God’s voice through any of the characters in the book?
18.   What strides did the characters in the book take towards racial reconciliation? Do you feel like this is still an issue today? If so, how should you respond to it?
19.   For some of the main characters, their stories are left open ended. What issues are they left with at the end of the book? If you could continue their stories, what would you wish for them?
20.   The ending of the book involves facing a hard truth from the past. Do you think the characters involved made the right decision in sharing this truth? Do you think all secrets should be revealed? Should God’s timing and guidance play a part in the revelation?
21.   The theme of the book is “let God lead your dance.” How do the various characters in the book respond to this theme? How do you feel about this theme?
22.   Discuss what freedom means to you. Where does true freedom come from? What does it look like? At what point does one person’s freedom infringe upon others?


  1. Dina Suleiman.
    Your book Dauntless was AMAZING!!!!!
    It is so far my favorite books ever and I have read a ton of books.I haven't read any other books of yours but I bet they are just as awesome! One of my other favorite books is the series of unfortunate events by Lemony Snicket. If you were looking for another idea for a book PLEASE write a book similar to that series. I hope you write back.
    Morgan B.

    1. Hi Morgan, I'm so excited and pleased to hear that you loved Dauntless so much. Wow!!! Book 2, Chivalrous, is actually available now on amazon and officially releases next week. It's Allen's story. And you might enjoy following my new Valiant Hearts blog for lots of insider information.

      If you ever get a chance to leave a review anywhere, boy, would I love to see one saying Dauntless is someone's favorite book ever ;)

    2. I love books that are about women how stand up for what is right
